Friday, April 27, 2012

SIC’s experience in the City of Sinners

Las Vegas.

As a Montana girl, raised in the quiet recesses of the mountains, Las Vegas was certainly an eye opener, to say the least. This was my first time visiting and I did not know what exactly to expect from the famed city of sin.

Neither Jesse or I are very good at driving in cities, so before we arrived we took a short gas/bathroom break and made a pact that no swearing, yelling, or panicking would occur while driving. Neither of us really do much of any of those, but driving is stressful when there are four lanes going super fast around us and honking all the time. We decided that if we missed a turn, we missed a turn.

So, we drove into the city, got to the strip, where our hotel was located (Yes, we stayed in a hotel! It was only about $30, so we decided it was going to be worth it for the Las Vegas experience), and then we missed the turn! It took us about half an hour of navigating back to the turn, since that was the only entrance to our hotel.

Finally, we checked into our room, took our showers, snazzed ourselves up, and headed out to explore the city. Our first stop was an overpriced bud light. Apparently, there is no open container law, but I still felt the need to keep my brew on the down-low. Montana habits die hard, I guess.

At one point, we wandered over to one of the expensive hotels and sauntered into the pool area where the fountains blew higher than our two of us. The digs were pretty dang nice and we decided to lounge on one of the round couch beds for a smidge while we decided where we wanted to grab some grub. We also decided that when we get a house, the round couch bed is essential in our décor.

The night wasn’t out of control nor did it end up a total bore, but we both discovered that gambling and spending tons of money on superfluous items really isn’t our thing. If we’d paid to see one of their tantalizing shows, the story might have been different, but I kind of doubt it.

Oh, Las Vegas. Glad to have come and glad to have left. A one-night stand is good enough for me. ;)

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